Saturday, July 19, 2014

Site Updates!

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I'm just giving a little bit of an update, mostly just ranting to myself and making myself feel important!

I'm doing a few slight chances:

This blog layout is not working. I need to change it. It looks really good if you're not flipping through pages, but if you press "next" and go to the next page of the front page, you'll see nothing but gigantic images. This is a problem. Whoever coded this layout did a poor job. XD Time to search for a new one!

I'm doing a slight name change --- Kawaii Kami to Cute Chew! Maybe someday I'll buy a domain. But nobody visits this blog, so it is pointless to buy a domain right now!

I need to create some pages with basic info. That will come when I actually find a functioning design for the blog. o.o

That's it for now!

<3 Manah

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